# Overview ** These examples are deprecated and will be removed in the future versions. Please refer to (http://activemq.apache.org/examples.html) for more information on the replacement. ** Before running the examples you should start ActiveMQ on your machine. Follow the installation instructions to use a binary distribution of ActiveMQ. To run the broker in a command shell, type: bin/activemq This starts up the ActiveMQ broker. h3. Running the examples from a binary distro You can use [Ant](http://ant.apache.org) to compile and run the examples. To run a message producer run: ant producer To run a consumer, in another shell run: ant consumer You should then see messages being produced and consumed. You can also pass additional commands into these goals using variables that are available in the build.xml. Below is an example: ant consumer -Durl=tcp://localhost:61616 -Dtopic=true -Ddurable=true -Dmax=5000 ant producer -Durl=tcp://localhost:61616 -Dtopic=true -DtimeToLive=30000 -Dmax=5000 For a summary of all the available goals and options try: ant help