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## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# This is the properties file for the MessageMonitor Class.
# A MessageMonitor object will load this file when constructed.
# By default, a MessageMonitor object searches for and load a 
# file named "MessageMonitor.properties" in the JVM's "current" directory.
# This behavior may be overriden by assigning an alternate property file
# name and location to the System property "propertiesFile".
# Property:         brokerHostPort
# Default Value:    localhost   
# Description:      Specifies the host and port of the Messaging Broker to connect to.
brokerHostPort      localhost  
# Property:         connectID
# Default Value:    MessageMonitor
# Description:      Specifies the program identifier used to connect to the Messaging Broker.
connectID MessageMonitor   
# Property:         userID
# Default Value:    MessageMonitor
# Description:      Specifies the user identifier used to connect to the Messaging Broker.
userID              Administrator   
# Property:         password
# Default Value:    MessageMonitor
# Description:      Specifies the password used to connect to the Messaging Broker.
password            Administrator   
# Property:         subscriptionTopics
# Default Value:    jms.samples.#
# Description:      A comma-separated list of topics that MessageMonitor subscribes to.
#                   An empty list will subscribe to jms.samples.#.
subscriptionTopics  jms.samples.*
# Property:         textFontName
# Default Value:    Dialog
# Description:      The name of the font used to display recieved messages.
textFontName        Dialog   
# Property:         textFontStyle
# Default Value:    PLAIN
# Description:      The style of the font used to display recieved messages.
textFontStyle       PLAIN   
# Property:         textFontSize
# Default Value:    12
# Description:      The size of the font used to display recieved messages.
textFontSize        12   
# Property:         title
# Default Value:    MessageMonitor
# Description:      The title of the MessageMonitor Window.
title               MessageMonitor